If one individual causes another individual to pay them in order to maintain a secret, then this constitutes blackmail. Blackmail between commoners is legal and not considered a crime. Blackmail between nobles is legal and not considered a crime. Blackmail of a nobleman by a commoner is considered illegal, and the nobleman has it within his rights to request a private hearing with the Justice of his choice to hear the case and judge upon it. If the Justice feels the secrets being held by the commoner are such that a commoner should not possess such secrets, then the commoner shall be instructed to receive one single payment of an agreed upon sum (as arbitrated by the justice) and to be forced to sign a contract of agreement such that they will suffer a quick death in the event that they reveal the secret that spawned the blackmail.
Holding an individual against their will for the purpose of extorting monies from their family is considered illegal. Anyone convicted of kidnapping or involvement in a kidnapping will be subjected to two arena bouts to the death, or imprisonment of up to twelve years, or a fine of five hundred royals. The actual punishment is determined by the Justice.
Wine Wasting
The wasting of wine aged more than seven years is considered illegal. Anyone caught pouring such wine into anything other than their mouths will be subject to a fine of twelve royals for every year above seven that the wine was aged.
Skipping in Forwell is prohibited by anyone older than thirteen years of age. Anyone older than this age who is seen in public using skipping as a means of locomotion will be subject to a fine of one royal per year of age above thirteen. This law does not apply to nobles who may skip if they wish, except within the Temple District where they are subject to Divine Law. (Note that this is an old law and seldom enforced).
Farmers Hankies
Blowing one's nose upon the ground is considered vile and illegal. Anyone caught performing this obscene act in public is subject to a fine of four royals. If they cannot pay, then they will perform one days labor at a city Guild of the Judges choice.
Disobeying a City Guard
The instructions given by the city guard are considered to be the enforcement of laws set forth be the Governor. Therefore disobedience to a City Guard is considered to be disrespect to the Governor and is subject to a fine of five royals, or a day in the stocks, or a public whipping. The sentence to be determined by the Justice who hears the case, and to be commensurate with the level of disrespect shown to the City Guard.
The Law of Noble Appointment
Only the Governor can do this, and when a commoner is made a nobleman through this process, they are given specific properties to call their own and given rights and powers as befitting a noble. This appointment falls under Political Law. Once a commoner is appointed a noble, all that persons heirs inherit their title, which is typically "Don" or "Sir" as befitting lower nobility. The properties given by the Governor are usually meager, and often slum buildings where peasants live, thus making the noble a "Land Lord" of very low means. Noble Appointment only goes through the first generation and then the eldest of the second generation. So all the immediate children of the appointed noble are considered nobles, but only the Eldest may pass that title on to his or her children, and only their eldest may pass the title on to their children.
Reaper Mauling
Most taverns and inns with places outside to tether a reaper have two separate locations for doing so. Reapers and Drovers and Calex do not get along together. Reapers must be parked on one side, and drovers and calex on the other.
If, while tethered in the wrong location, a reaper kills or injures a beast, it is considered to be the fault of the owner. And by decree of law, if someone tethers their reaper in the wrong location and it eats or injures another's riding beast, then the owner of that reaper is responsible for paying the damage. If they cannot pay, then their reaper will be confiscated and sold to pay the damages.
This is also true if someones reaper attacks or mauls anyone or thing in the course of its existence in the city. They are then liable for the damages.
If someone tethers their rover or calex next to a reaper on the reaper side, then it is not considered the fault of the owner of the reaper, but rather the fault of the owner of the other beast. Be responsible with your reaper. And don't ride drunk.
Vandalism defines the wanton destruction of defacement of property. In this case the property of the Temple District and therefore the property of the Gods. Vandalism directed toward the Gods is considered a vile and unholy crime. It is an embarrassment upon the mortals of this world, and invites the wraith of the Gods to fall upon all who dwell here. Therefore the punishment for vandalism in the Temple District is severe.
Elven Standish Laws
Anyone of Elven descent entering a merchant establishment that clearly states on the door that elves are not allowed is in violation of the Elven Standish Law and may be physically escorted from the premises and beaten with a reaper bone about the arms and legs.
When extracting water from a well, Elves are required to give way to any human waiting to extract water. Humans have first right to all water in Forwell, and Elves who do not make way are in violation of Elven Standish Law. The penalty for refusing to make way shall be a fine of five royals or two hours in the public stocks outside the Governor's building.
Marriage between Elves and Humans is not permitted in Forwell, and while mixed marriages of this type performed in other regions will be recognized, no marriages between a human and an Elf are allowed to occur within the Forwellian territories. Such marriages will not be recognized. However, these laws are not always enforced, and often ignored.
Miscellaneous Laws
Animals that would normally hunt people for food or sport are not allowed in the city limits unless they are caged or held in Ivanhelm. Rayvs owned by the city guard and wild Reapers being held in stables for breaking are the only exceptions to this rule. Tame reapers and other tamed beasts of burden are permitted, but any damage they do falls unto the head of those who claim ownership of the beast.
Use of magic within the city limits for ANY purpose is prohibited. The only exceptions are registered Alchemists, Bonemelders and Smiths who are craftsman that have been accepted by the Inquisition and allowed to practice their arts.
Theft of water by mages is not permitted under ANY circumstances, and will be punished by incarceration, time in Ivanhelm, or removal of limbs starting with the hands and feet, then moving onward to other extremities.
The wearing of plate mail within the city limits is restricted to the militia, the city guard, and the servants of the Gods within the Temple District.
Large scale burning of materials which could spread and result in destruction of buildings, materials and/or people are not permitted. If such a burning is required, then the objects to be burned must be taken outside the city walls and burned in the desert.
Stealing of any kind is not permitted. Capture of a thief will result in prosecution and either incarceration, time in Ivanhelm, or removal of the hands and/or feet.
Those individuals not of noble birth who contract a plague of any kind must leave the city and are banished until they are either dead or cured. If they return to the city dead, they must be cremated immediately at the Temple of Matrim.
Creatures who are no longer living and yet still walk in the mortal realm are not permitted to exist. Anyone caught harboring or creating such a creature will be subject to immediate trial and execution.
Pandering or associating with the creatures of Hell is considered an abomination and a blasphemy. Those guilty of this crime are subject to immediate trial and execution. Or execution followed by a trial if the subject is unwilling.
Spitting on a person of noble birth is not permitted, and disrespect to a noble is an offense that will be punished by time in Ivanhelm, or in the public stocks, depending on how the noble wishes to see the punishment carried out.
A nobles estate shall fall to his oldest living direct descendent, followed by the next oldest and so on. If a will has been written, then the will shall be followed. If there is no will, the state shall decide any discrepancies of inheritance in open court, and will also extract 25% of the estate as payment for these services.
Carrying an unsheathed blade in a public area for a non-work related purpose is considered illegal. The typical penalty for this shall be removal of the offending blade from the subject, and a fine of twelve royals. Nobles are an exception to this law and may carry any weapon they wish in any state they wish. If the perpetrator of this crime cannot afford to pay the royals, they shall be immediately stripped of all their current belongings including their clothing and these materials will be sold at auction to pay the fine.
Public combat is not allowed unless it is performed in a controlled area with the consent of both parties and a witness on either side. This results in a "duelling contract" between the parties. Fighting without such a contract will result in immediate incarceration and one battle in Ivanhelm. The proceeds from the arena will be retained by the state.
Slavery is considered illegal in Forwell, and anyone caught claiming ownership of a slave will be removed of everything they own and banished from the city. The exception is nobility, in which case the slaves will be set free and the nobleman punished by paying a file of 20 royals per slave.
Murder is punishable by immediate incarceration and trial. If found guilty, the standard punishment is death by the same means as the victim. A trial typically results in murder cases. (And outside of the lawbooks, it's understood by the judges that nobles are given lighter sentences and often set free with only fines).
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